Scott Billadeau - Music
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Scott Billadeau Music

Hello World from Montana! 

As a 4th generation Montanan, I most definitely have Montana in my blood.  I’ve traveled, worked, hunted, fished, hiked, and generally trekked across the entirety of ‘Big Sky Country’.  I’m often inspired by what I see and experience, and it flows through my hands onto the piano.  I literally “play the mountain” (The Missions), or “play the lake” (Light on the Lake).  While I enjoy composing music of all kinds, when it comes to solo piano music, it’s just me, a piano, and the spirit of Montana.  In this sense, I’m essentially an instrumental song-writer, telling the story of each Montana vignette that grabs my heart or stirs my soul.  There is simply no place like Montana.

I hope you’ll join me on this musical journey that captures the feeling of the West, the beauty of the land, the spirit of its people, and the heart and soul of the place I call home.   

I’m working on the release of my first fully-fledged album; The Spirit of Montana.  It will be the first in a trilogy that I’ve now been working on for nearly 30 years.  It better be good, right?!  Please sign up below for updates and promotions.

Listen to a sample from 'The Spirit of Montana'

My most recent music project has been composing and recording the soundtrack for Yellowstone in Four Seasons -- a remarkable look "behind the scenes" at Yellowstone National Park during each season of Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring.

Read more by clicking on the image below.   

Yellowstone in Four Seasons
from $19.95